2007년 9월 11일 화요일

Introducing myself in Spanish

요즘에 스페인어를 공부하기 시작했습니다(I've recently started studying Spanish.) 생각했던 것보다 정말 재미있더군요(It's more fun than I thought!) 간단한 자기 소개를 스페인어로 해 보았습니다(I've tried briefly introducing myself in Spanish.)

댓글 4개:

Endoru :

Hey, it's Endoru here.
Nice Spanish, cool.
Can we be "chingu"s ?
Did I get that right ? *hehe*
Peace, anyway, mind me adding you to my bookmark list at my blog ?
Let me know kay.

Mail : endoru@gmail.com
Blog : http://endoru.blog-city.com/

Unknown :

Hi Endoru :D Thanks for the comment!

I've already added your blog to my list without even asking you - sorry! 미안해요 ㅋ

Yes of course we're already "친구"!!

만나서 정말 반가워요!

I want to learn the 'bahasa' Malay, too!!

Endoru :

Haha, you did.
Anyway, added yours to my list already.
Just wanted to let you know.
"Bahasa Melayu", sure thing, where shall we start ? *hehe*

Selamat pagi. (Good morning)
Selamat petang. (Good afternoon)
Selamat malam. (Goodnight)
Selamat sejahtera. (Good day)

Pronunciation, very much as it is being spelled.

Unknown :

Endoru, 고마워요(thank you)

I already know Selamat pagi and selamat malam :D but I didn't know petang and sejahtera. Thank you!! Terima Kasih!!