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댓글 3개:
현우오빠.. 사랑해..
많이 미안했어...
나 갈께 안녕.. 잘지내..
do you want him to live his life miserably because of you once you 've left this world??
I know no one as selfish and stupid as you are
Find yourself ssomeone who loves you you deserve it!
Stop this, you can't live your life just for one person this not love, if you do that you don't love him!
wow i don't leave comments generally but this one deserve it o_O How can you be so selfish girl? Did you think of your parents your friends? There are million men in this world, stop this craziness because no one is gonna cry over you once you live this life, so live your life proudly and fully..
The person is right, you say you love him, but i think if you love him, you can not do that such a horrible thing to him.
You want him to remember forever? It's not the right way, he will hate you even more
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