2007년 8월 31일 금요일

일본어 자기 소개 비디오

I had interests in Japanese for a long time but it was last Summer when I came back from traveling in Europe that I actually started to study it seriously. As a Korean person, Japanese came as something much easier than the other languages because a lot of words are very similar and the grammar structure is almost the same, but you cannot really rely on those 'similarities' forever in mastering a new language. So I'm trying to speak and write as much Japanese as possible with a higher goal and here's my first self-introduction video in Japanese.

Don't laugh :D

댓글 8개:

Boyeun Kim :

わたしは いもうとです。ㅋㅋ

익명 :

Hyunwoo Sun,
It's nice to see your face and hear you speaking so much Japanese! You are awesome.

익명 :


That long video was all because you were not very fluent in Japanese... imagine if you were!!!

Great work!!! Nice seeing your video!!! おめでとう!!!

Unknown :

Thank you 윤아, Liz, and João Paulo for the nice comments!! :D

I'll try to make more videos of myself trying to speak in the languages I'm studying - it's really a cool way to review what you've been learning so far, isn't it ?

Thank you!

bamboo :


Unknown :

devon さん、


Unknown :

salut ! je vais bientot au japon ! (j'espere.)
il faut qu'on se voit....

Loubna Aabid :

ha ha..t'as de plus en plus de fans!! ^^ J'étais TRES surprise de t'entendre parler japonais aussi bien! Je me souviens quand tu parlais à Utah.. tu parlais déjà très bien..mais là! chapeau!;-)