I had interests in Japanese for a long time but it was last Summer when I came back from traveling in Europe that I actually started to study it seriously. As a Korean person, Japanese came as something much easier than the other languages because a lot of words are very similar and the grammar structure is almost the same, but you cannot really rely on those 'similarities' forever in mastering a new language. So I'm trying to speak and write as much Japanese as possible with a higher goal and here's my first self-introduction video in Japanese.
Don't laugh :D
댓글 8개:
わたしは いもうとです。ㅋㅋ
Hyunwoo Sun,
It's nice to see your face and hear you speaking so much Japanese! You are awesome.
That long video was all because you were not very fluent in Japanese... imagine if you were!!!
Great work!!! Nice seeing your video!!! おめでとう!!!
Thank you 윤아, Liz, and João Paulo for the nice comments!! :D
I'll try to make more videos of myself trying to speak in the languages I'm studying - it's really a cool way to review what you've been learning so far, isn't it ?
Thank you!
devon さん、
salut ! je vais bientot au japon ! (j'espere.)
il faut qu'on se voit....
ha ha..t'as de plus en plus de fans!! ^^ J'étais TRES surprise de t'entendre parler japonais aussi bien! Je me souviens quand tu parlais à Utah.. tu parlais déjà très bien..mais là! chapeau!;-)
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