[선현우의 7개 외국어 학습노트] 제 19호, "외국어 블로그로 글쓰기 연습하기~!"가 6월 15일, 싸이월드 오늘의 페이퍼로 선정되었어요. 감사합니다! 구독해 주시는 10630명의 독자분들과 싸이월드에 감사드립니다.
Cyworld.com's unique column service, PAPER, has chosen one of my columns as Today's Paper for the 15th of June. The posting is about how to make an effective use of blogs for your writing practice in foreign languages. My sincerest thanks for all 10,630 subscribers to my blog and Cyworld.com
바로가기 : http://paper.cyworld.com/polyglot/2146598
댓글 1개:
hey congratulations about this matter!! Tu dois être content :-)
J'adore l'horloge rose indiquant l'heure chez toi! ha ha comme ça je n'ai plus besoin de faire de calcul pour deviner! kk
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