I was listening to an episode of The Naked Scientists Podcast and they were mentioning the results of a study on the relation between the lengths of your fingers and your academic achievement level. Which of your fingers is the second longest? The second finger(the index finger)? Or the fourth finger(the ring finger)? Stretch your fingers side by side and compare them. ^^
물론 가장 긴 손가락은 가운데, 중지이겠죠?
남자는 주로 검지가 길고, 여자는 주로 약지가 길다고 합니다.
Of course the longest must be the middle fingers.
But generally, men have longer index fingers than ring fingers, and women are the opposite.
대체로 검지가 긴 남자들은, 대체로 수학과 과학 등에서 우수한 학업 성적을 보이는 경향이 있고, 대체로 약지가 긴 여자들은, 외국어와 국어를 모두 포함한 언어 부분에서 우수한 성적을 보인다고 하네요. 검지와 약지의 성장에 관여하는 호르몬이 각각 다른데, 그 호르몬이 우연히도 이러한 학습 능력과 관련이 있는 것 같다고 합니다.
Men, whose index fingers are generally longer, show better grades in subjects such as mathematics and science, and women, whose ring fingers are longer, perform better in languages, including both their mother tongue and foreign languages. And they say that's probably because different hormones are involved in the growth of different fingers, and coincidentally these hormones are related to different academic abilities.
Interesting, right?
근데 저는 이상하게 약지가 더 길어요 :-(
남자들이 '모두'가 아니라 '대체로' 검지가 길다고 하니 다행입니다. ㅎㅎㅎ
But strangely enough, my ring fingers are longer than my index fingers. :-(
I'm relieved that they said "generally" and not "all men have longer index fingers". Haha.
댓글 8개:
But if your ring fingers are longer..this means you perform in languages right?? (maybe i missed something..)Which is what you actually do..
My ring fingers are longer but I am not sure I perform better in languages ..kk anyway this posting made me smile k
I agree with this sentence. In my case, my index finger longer than ring finger. so I prefer math to language. But so-hyun(my girl-freind) prefer languages to math, science. Natually her ring-fingers so long.
I have a question. How can I express "공감하다". :)
to [loubna] / yes, you understood it correctly. but i like math too!! so i guess there are too many people on the planet to generalize on this. kk
to [nami] hi, thanks for the comment :D there are more than one ways to say '공감하다', and it all depends on the certain context you say it in, but generally, you can express it using one of these words : "sympathize", "understand" or "agree".
You can 'sympathize' with someone on a subject, or you can 'understand' what someone is talking about, or you can 'agree' on a topic with someone :D
I hope this helps!
Is Nami the Nam I know? If yes, hi! And by the way, you improved your english so much!! Congrat'! ;-)
my right ring finger is longer than index one, but left one is quite the contary.
how should i get it?
loubna/ No, Nami is a different friend of mine, but he's also a b-boy in our crew. You haven't met him before. k. Nam's English has improved a lot as well. k
seyeong/ don't worry this is all just statistics :D your efforts are more important ^^!!!
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