외국어 공부를 할 때, 이렇게 주변에서 접하는 사소한 기사나 사진을 가지고도 충분히 재미있는 글을 써 볼 수 있습니다. 꼭 일기가 아니어도, 꼭 편지나 E-mail이 아니어도, 그리고 반드시 비즈니스 작문이 아니어도 글 쓰기 연습을 얼마든지 해 볼 수 있고, 이렇게 하다가 틀려도 좋습니다. 재미있게 공부했으면 되는 거니까요. 틀린 부분은 공부를 계속 해 나가다 보면 훗날 자연스럽게 다 알게 됩니다. 틀리면 어떻습니까, 우리는 외국인이잖아요~! 그러니 걱정 말고 최대한 재미있게 공부하세요.
When you're studying a foreign language, you can write something interesting like this, using just about anything - be it a photo or an article that you come across. If you want to practice writing in a foreign language, it doesn't always have to a diary, a letter or an E-mail. It doesn't have to be a business letter. And don't worry about making mistakes. Who cares? As long as you've had fun, that's it. As for the mistakes you make in the process of learning, you will gradually understand them as you keep studying. And after all, no matter what foreign language you are studying, you are a foreigner. So don't be afraid to make mistakes and have as much fun as you can with it.
댓글 4개:
This is great...
It reminds me of how my Dad's desk always looked.
It just goes to show that great minds can thrive in clutter!
wow, Did u change the design again? :D Nice and fresh. .! I enjoyed this post and I share your opinion. but I have a still hard time whenever I try to speak english coz I always worry about making mistakes before speaking sentences out. Anyway, I always love your post about learning language and your breakdancing life too! :)Keep up the good work!
振りかなをついて書けば,初歩の物にたくさん助けに成るだろうぞ.でも,面倒だろう.^^ 僕はCASIO EW-H3000があるからいいね!
I agree. And Al Gore's room makes me feel a bit better about my own room as well.
Thank you! I changed the layout and the design to give it a fresh new feeling overall, and I guess it was worth the labor!
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