He is really 'the most powerful hero in the universe', as the promotional copy for the Korean movie fans says, and he is incredibly powerful and carithmatic, but so 'perfect' that we cannot even see a single scene in the movie where he eats, sleeps, or even drink a cup of water.
Some say the story is too childish and predictible, but I think it is even more childish to go to see the movie 'Superman' and expect anything more than a story of a 'hero' that has been made out of imagination. We all have a desire to become a 'hero' who saves the world and at least a hero to the ones around us. But as all heros do, Superman has enemies and one of them was willing to do whatever it took to take over his power, saying "a god is a selfish little man flying around in a red cape that won't share his powers with anyone!"
Of course, I am a 'normal' human being and I cannot just suddenly fly up into the sky or save my beloved ones by stopping bullets with my own body or throwing a piano at an enemy. But I DO wish to be a hero sometimes. I always try to look like a perfect person and always have this vague 'somebody' in mind that might be watching me try hard, and I want to show this 'somebody' a better me everyday, and I try to be something like a 'hero', or an awesome person to everybody who knows me. So I often end up setting extra-high goals and try to achieve them. I am worried that the things I'm doing like trying to master five more languages within three years, suddenly buying a BMX bike and starting to practise, or registering in an acrobatics class and training, might be coming out of this wish to be somebody great.
It is certainly is a good thing to go for a goal because it makes you happy and motivated, and it makes life better, not only your own but those of others around you as well, but I realise that heros should remain in fairy tales and sci-fi movies, so that you could literally 'dream' of becoming one from time to time.
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